A Focus on Prevention: Misshappen heads in newborns

WHEN TO ACT? The answer is NOW. Whether or not your baby has a misshapen head, you can start the above strategies now, regardless of how young your infant is. If your baby was born prematurely (less than 36 weeks gestation), these strategies are still safe. Follow any advice given by your healthcare team first and if you are unsure ASK.

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Kim Heffernan
Oncology blog

Here at Active Health Riverina, we are passionate about rehabilitation following all types of cancer and have a PINC accredited oncology physiotherapist.

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Guest User
Life after an amputation ......

Life. It's unexpected. It's unexplainable sometimes, but it's life. You never think it's going to happen to you. You always hear about tragedy, disaster, unexpected events in the news, in the media and whilst we try not to take this life for granted, you really never expect such events to happen to you…. Well, it happened, December 2021. It happened to us.

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Guest User
W sitting - what you need to know

‘W’ sitting is a common position used when children are playing or transitioning from one position to another.

However, ‘W’ sitting is not okay if your child spends long periods playing and sitting in this position or if it is the only sitting position they use.

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Guest User