Orthotics: Part of the treatment plan…not the whole plan

Foot orthotics are not necessary for everyone with a foot injury, but when indicated can be an extremely effective treatment option to alter excessive stress and load to injured tissues.

Our feet are the foundation for the rest of the body & can take a high amount of load and stress during the day. Our feet need to provide shock absorption when we land, stabilise us on one leg for walking/running and help us to propel forward with each step.  

Every tissue in the body (muscle, tendon, bone, fascia, ligament) has a certain capacity. If we apply a load that is greater than the tissues capacity, then there is a risk of injury or pain.

At Active Health, orthotics can be an effective treatment tool to help reduce load or pressure through a particular area of the foot while we work on improving the strength and capacity of the surrounding tissues. 

We want our orthotics to work with the foot, not against it. That’s why our orthotics are soft and flexible to allow the muscles, tendons and 33 joints in each foot to move naturally within their ideal range of motion.

Orthotics are only part of the rehabilitation plan, not the whole plan. Our orthotics are used in combination with exercises & other therapies including strengthening & mobility exercises, manual therapy, foot and ankle taping, shockwave therapy, dry needling, training advice and/or footwear education.

Orthotics don't need to be a life sentence, in fact our goal at Active Health is to build the capacity of your foot and ankle muscles so that you are no longer dependent on your orthotics.

Depending on your goals & assessment findings, we tend to use orthotics with a Short Term (<6 months), Medium Term (6-12 months) or Long Term (>12 months) plan.

Following a thorough biomechanical assessment, our Podiatrists can advise if you would benefit from foot orthotics and which type would best suit your particular activity and foot type.

Active Health offers the following range of flexible, comfortable and slimline orthotics that can be fitted to a variety of footwear including runners, football boots and dress/work shoes.

Custom Orthotics 

Manufactured from an exact 3D image of your feet, 3D printed orthotics provide the latest in custom orthotic design and technology. They are fabricated using a high performance flexible and extremely lightweight material to ensure superior comfort and functional support. 

We have partnered with DOCSOLS Custom Orthotics, check them out here www.docsols.com.au.

The DOCSOLS system utilises your 3D foot scan to manufacture an orthotic using 3D printed digital foam (TPU), the only orthotic laboratory in the world that can do this.

DOCSOLS lattice design works like cortical bone structures, which allows us to control the flexibility in any part of the orthotic with millimeter precision, ensuring superior comfort and control.

Pre-Made Orthotics

We offer a range of soft pre-fabricated orthotics that can be heat molded and adjusted in the clinic to achieve a more customised fit. These orthotics are ideal for certain foot types and conditions that require short term management and for parents who are after a more affordable option for their child’s ever growing feet.

Are your orthotics hard and uncomfortable? It is most likely that they are not suitable, make an appointment with our Podiatrist to have your orthotics assessed today.

Donna Limoran