Dave O'Brien

Director & Lead Physiotherapist


  • B.Phty – Charles Sturt University


  • ANZ Academy of Orofacial Pain


Dave grew up in Bendigo and was passionately involved in a range of sports throughout childhood, competing at a state level in tennis and soccer.  This led to an early introduction and regular interaction with local and team Physiotherapists.

Dave made the move north of the border to pursue Physiotherapy studies at Charles Sturt University in Albury. Following graduation in 2006, he has worked under the guidance of experienced Physiotherapists in a number of musculoskeletal centres, both within Australia and abroad. This has enabled Dave to develop and refine a wealth of clinical knowledge.  

While in London, Dave had the opportunity to practice in a specialty Musculoskeletal clinic in Kensington, while lead Physiotherapist to the sports scholarship program at the University of East London.  

Through experience, Dave became drawn to the challenge of treating complex, chronic conditions; neck pain, back pain, Migraine, headache, vestibular conditions (vertigo and dizziness) and temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction (jaw pain).  He has been fortunate enough to work in close liaison with dentists, dental specialists, general practitioners, neurologists, cardiologists and orthopaedic specialists.

Dave strives to identify the specific cause of the issue, through detailed, holistic assessment of movement patterns, posture and technique. He firmly believes best results are achieved by working closely with the patient to help them fully understand and manage their problem.  While he enjoys treating athletes, much of Dave's professional satisfaction is gained working closely with desk bound workers, farmers, casual sportspeople and busy parents. He has established close relationships with local businesses and sporting associations which have led to implementation of corporate wellness and injury prevention initiatives. With a young family Dave is understanding of the importance of work life balance and the holistic nature of healthcare.  

Being part of the Active team for a number of years, Dave felt the core business and team values echoed his morals and ethics and is proud to call himself a Director.   He believes completely in the positive influence Physiotherapy can have on the community and passionately advocates for access to quality, evidence based Healthcare.