Heel Pain Clinic
Active Health has a dedicated Heel Pain Clinic that provides specific treatment for heel pain including Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendinopathy, Sever's (Heel Pain in Children), Bursitis & Heel Spurs.
Heel pain can be completely debilitating, it can stop you from exercising, walking without pain and just makes daily activities difficult. After all, we need our feet to carry us around everyday! Perhaps you can relate…
Heel pain can last for months and even years if not well managed or allowed to heal properly. The heel and its surrounding structures are engaged with every step so it can be difficult to live an active life when you are reminded of that pain every morning when you first get out of bed.
What to Expect
Combining the latest evidence based treatment techniques and 19 years of clinical experience treating Heel Pain, you will receive a personalised treatment plan that will outline your roadmap to recovery and keep you on track to reaching your goals.
In this plan you will:
Finally discover the what is causing your heel pain (it may not be what you think)
Identify & set your goals for treatment
Receive the latest evidence-based treatments
Learn self-management exercises to relieve your pain at home
Leave with clarity and certainty about how you can be heel pain-free.
The best form of treatment is early intervention, so the sooner you seek treatment the greater chance of making a quick recovery.