Active Physiotherapy and the NDIS

At Active Physiotherapy we believe that everyone  deserves the opportunity to live their best life. We hope the NDIS and Active Physiotherapy can help you to achieve your goals and take part in all the things you love.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is fast approaching with roll out due in the murrumbidgee from July 2017. The NDIS aims to provide services and supports to people with disabilities, their families and carers.  There are age, residency, disability and early intervention access requirements, which participants must meet to become registered under the NDIS. It is available to anyone under the age of 65.

The NDIS is offering CHOICE!!  Participants are encouraged to have choice and control over their NDIS plan and can choose how to spend their funds, where to receive their services, therapy, support etc.

Do you know of anyone with a disability? Are they registered for the NDIS? Have they made contact with the NDIS? If not encourage them to do so as soon as possible.  Are they already accessing government funded services? If so NDIS should be making contact with them. If not already receiving any services encourage anyone you know with a disability to call the NDIS and request access on 1800 800 110. You can also visit and head to the purple people with disability tab. The my NDIS pathway under the participants tab is a useful place to start. I would encourage anyone to call the NDIS and ask about accessibility requirements.

At Active Physiotherapy we are NDIS ready for the provision of physiotherapy and exercise physiology services.  We are happy to take any calls and enquiries on the services and programs on offer. We understand it can be a daunting process and are here to help. We are happy to answer questions, help guide some goal setting in preparation for your planning meeting and provide assessments if requested.  

If you have any questions or would like any further information please contact us on (02) 69257734.

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